Policies and Key Documents
Blyth Town Council’s Policies
Public Question Time Procedure (opens in a new window)
CCTV Procedure (opens in a new window)
Standing Orders (opens in a new window)
Complaints and Grievance (opens in a new window)
Square Privacy Policy (opens in a new window)
Code of Conduct Members and Officers (opens in a new window)
Data Protection Policy ( opens in a new window)
General Public Privacy Notice ( opens in a new window)
Habitual or Vexatious Behaviour (opens in a new window)
Internet Policy Statement (opens in a new window)
IT Policy Summary ( opens in a new window )
Social Media Policy (Opens in a new window)
Mayor’s Handbook (opens in a new window)
Financial Regs (opens in a new window)
Scheme of Delegation (opens in a new window)
Northumberland Town, Parish & Community Council Charter (opens in a new window)
Powers and Duties
The Town Council does not have major powers to carry out policies but it is able to advise and put pressure on the larger authorities in respect to the present and future development and condition of the Civil Parish area. The Council is also able to organise, within the confines of its budget, schemes to improve the social life of the Parish.
The below documents can be printed for reference, but cannot be altered, and are published in accordance with Crown Copyright regulations.
Employer’s Liability Insurance Certificate to 15 December 2024 (opens in a new window)
BTC Freedom of Information Act Policy (opens in a new window)
ICO Model Publication Scheme (opens in a new window)
Powers and Duties of Parish Councils (opens in a new window)
Declarations of Interest
All Councillors are required to complete a Declaration of Interest form and these are available to view on the Northumberland County Council website.
Link to Blyth Town Councillors’ Declarations of Interest (opens in a new window)
Blyth Town Council’s Complaints Procedure
Please complete the complaints form below and send it to the Town Clerk.
Complaints Form (opens in a new window)
Blyth Town Council Town Plan 2013-2023
Blyth Town Council - Town Plan 2013-2023 (opens in a new window) *Document under review *