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Community Grants


For 2024/25 the Town Council has a total budget of £173,300 for Community Funding to support groups and organisations in the Town and to help them deliver activities and projects that benefit Blyth and its residents.  The funding is split into £157,300 for Community Support Grants and £16,000 for Councillors’ Small Schemes Funding (each Councillor is allocated £1,000).

The Community Funding Sub-Committee meets four times a year to consider applications for Community Support Grants. 

Councillors can use their Small Schemes funding at any time of the year to give grants or pay for projects and their requests must be approved by the Chair and Vice Chair of the Community Development/Community Funding Sub-Committee and the Town Clerk.

How to apply for a Community Support Grant
For information on applying for a grant please read the Policy and Procedure for Community Funding 2024/25 (opens in a new window) and complete the Community Grant Application form 2024/25 (opens in a new window).

Dates of meetings and closing dates for applications for 2024/25 are shown below.

Date of Meeting Closing Date for Applications
Tuesday 11 June 2024 Tuesday 21 May 2024
Tuesday 10 September 2024 Tuesday 20 August 2024
Tuesday 12 November 2024 Tuesday 22 October 2024
Tuesday 11 February 2025 Tuesday 21 January 2025



Blyth Town Council Grants Awarded

Councillors’ Small Schemes Funding 


Councillors' Small Schemes Funding 2023/24 (opens in a new window)
Councillors' Small Schemes Funding 2022/23 (opens in a new window)
Councillors’ Small Schemes Funding 2021/22 (opens in a new window)

COVID Community Support Grants
COVID-19 Community Support Grants (opens in a new window)

Community Grants 

Grants Awarded 2024/25 (opens in a new window)
Grants Awarded 2023/24 (opens in a new window)
Grants Awarded 2022/23 (opens in a new window)
Grants Awarded 2021/22 (opens in a new window)

Please contact us if you require details for years prior to these.